Hobbies & Collectibles
Product Info
Beast Kingdom MEA Series
Iron Man 3: Iron Man with Hall of Armor
- Mark I
- Mark II
- Mark III
- Mark IV
- Mark V
- Mark VI
- Mark VII
* Take your desk collection to the next level with the Iron Man Hall of Armor Mini Egg Attack set MEA-015.
* Ever since Iron Man’s sacrifice to save humanity at the end of Avengers End Game, fans have been longing for more nostalgic collectibles from Iron Man.
* Bringing together more than 10 years’ worth of action, the Hall of Armor as seen in Iron Man 3, personifies the dedication and craftmanship Tony Stark displayed during his tenure as one of the leading heroes in the Avengers.
* Bringing together seven generations of Iron Man Suites, the Hall Of Armor is the perfect way to show your love of all things Iron Man.
* With Beast Kingdom’s Mini Egg Attack series, taking the classic stylized designs and miniaturizing them to a more displayable form, the design is perfect for showcasing the multiple versions of the Iron Man suit.
* With both suit and the storage units having light up functions, a great deal of focus on paint and design work as well as the ability to collect all your favorite suites from Mark 1 to 7, this is the time to take the fight back and showcase all the ways you can save the universe!
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